Monday, 30 January 2012

Hidden Exmoor

Our part of Exmoor is well hidden and far away from the usual tourist honeypots. Even in the height of summer its rare to see people passing by. Those that do are usually on horseback and trekking from one of the local stables or hunting with one of the local packs. Mountain bike riders passing have been on the increase since full suspension bikes have been popular, the steep rocky bridleways around the centre are a challenge for even the experienced and we have several cycling groups who stay at the centre regularly. Below are a few photographs of where we are the first two are of the valley we are in looking south.
Upstream of the centre the river runs slowly and there are a few really deep pools, ideal for the brave to tackle some wild swimming.
This is the main access to the centre, it is steeper than it looks in this photograph and can be extremely hazardous in a vehicle in wet or snowy conditions.
The last obsticle to tackle arriving at the centre is the river crossing. The stepping stones are regularly washed out so can't be relied on, there is a taught rope across the stones to help steady you but it is wise to arrive in wellingtons or waterproof walking boots and paddle through the shallows just downstream of the stones.

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